State pension in the UK is a regular payment you can claim from the government once you reach state pension age. Although every UK citizen has the opportunity to qualify for this payment, your entitlement to the state pension will depend on how much National Insurance you’ve paid during your working life.
On this page, you’ll learn more about the state pension, what being eligible means, what requirements you’ll need to meet and the different types of state pension. We also consider some of the other ways you can boost your retirement income, such as high-interest savings accounts.
Weekly income: Your state pension is the weekly income you could receive from the government once you reach your state pension age
Entitlement: State pension entitlement depends on several factors, including when you reached the state pension age and how many National Insurance qualifying years you’ve worked for in the UK
Claims: All you need to claim your state pension is your National Insurance number and proof of your date of birth
The state pension is a weekly payment from the government that you may be entitled to receive when you reach your state pension age. The amount you’ll receive will depend on how many National Insurance qualifying years you have worked. You usually make National Insurance contributions when you’re working, and you’ll have contributions credited to you when you’re not working.
You’re only entitled to claim the state pension if you meet all of the eligibility criteria. You’ll be eligible to claim a state pension if you’ve worked for at least 10 years in the UK and have paid National Insurance contributions during that time. The amount you’ll receive will depend on the number of National Insurance qualifying years you’ve worked. You can check how much state pension you may be entitled to on the Gov UK website.
You’re entitled to claim your state pension today if you were born before the 6th April 1951 if you’re a man, and before the 6th April 1953 if you’re a woman. The earliest you’ll be eligible to claim a state pension is when you’ve reached your state pension age. You cannot make a claim before this time. The current state pension age is 66 for both men and women, although this is set to rise in the coming years. You can check your state pension age here.
Even if you satisfy all of the state pension entitlement criteria, you won’t automatically start receiving your state pension when you reach pension age. In most cases, you’ll get a letter from the Pension Service between two and four months before you reach your state pension age.
This letter will include instructions on what you should do to claim your pension. It will usually set out the three ways for claiming, which are to:
You’ll need to provide your National Insurance number, and you may need to provide evidence of your date of birth.
If you haven’t or can’t receive a letter, you can make your claim by calling the Pension Service on 0800 731 7898.
The UK government set up the ‘triple lock system’ in the financial year 2011/12, and it has been applied every year since, apart from a temporary suspension in 22/23. The triple lock is a guarantee that the state pension will rise each year, in line with the highest of the following factors:
There are three different types of state pension; basic state pension, new state pension and an additional state pension.
Every UK citizen has the opportunity to qualify for a state pension, and you’ll be eligible to claim if you’ve made enough National Insurance contributions. Once you reach your state pension age and you’ve worked at least 10 qualifying years, you’ll be able to claim your state pension.
If you want the security of another income stream alongside your state pension, there are other ways of saving for retirement. You might want to consider one or more of the following options:
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